DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

Awareness Session on Biotech Ignition Grant(BIG) and Startup Ecosystem

  • 2021-08-28


An interactive session was organized between Santosh Deemed to be University and BSC BioNEST Bio-incubator, Regional Centre for Biotechnology on the topic of "Awareness on Biotech Ignition Grant(BIG) and Startup Ecosystem" on 28th Aug 2020 between 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm . Due to prevailing Covid conditions the same was organized through GoTo meeting portal. The Guest speaker were the Sudhanshu Shekhar and Ms Suman Gupta from BBB Group. The Orientaion covered the start up requirement for a Bio incubator , government funding agencies and Bio-Tech Ignition Grant (BIG)- through BIRAC . Few Success stories were also shared for the same scheme during the past few years. This was also brought the notice of all the attendencess that BIG - scheme sectors are categories in 7 categories and the grant can apply under any of these.

This program attended by around 75 faculty members and students together.

Geo tagged photographs also attached