DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

The graduate medical curriculum is oriented towards training students to undertake the responsibilities of a physician of the first contact who is capable of looking after the preventive, primitive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of medical care.

The broad-based training aims to provide an educational experience with all the essentials required for health care in our country. Moreover, a wide range of career opportunities awaits students.


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At the end of the undergraduate program, the medical student shall endeavor to be able to:


  • Recognize ‘Health for All’ as a national goal of all citizens. Fulfill his/her social obligations towards the realization of this goal;
  • Learn every aspect of National Policies on health and its practical implementation;
  • Achieve competence in the practice of holistic medicine, encompassing primitive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of common diseases;
  • Develop scientific temper and acquire experience for proficiency and promote healthy living;
  • Become an exemplary citizen by observing medical ethics and fulfill social and professional obligations.
  • Be competent in the diagnosis and management of common health problems of an individual or the community;
  • Appreciate rationale for different therapeutic modalities, be familiar with the administration of the ‘essential drugs’ and their common side effects;
  • Be able to appreciate the socio-psychological, cultural, economic and environmental factors affecting health. Develop a humane attitude towards the patients in discharging one’s professional responsibilities;
  • Possess the attitude for continued self-learning and to seek further expertise or to pursue research in any chosen area of medicine;
  • Be familiar with the basic factors which are essential for the implementation of national health goals.

Duration Of The Course Of Study: 

Duration of this course is 5½ years i.e. 4½ + one-year Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship [CRRI].


(a) PHASE – I (I MBBS) ONE YEAR consisting of Pre-clinical subjects of –

i)  Human Anatomy,

ii)  Physiology,

iii)  Bio-Chemistry, and

iv)  Introduction to Humanities & Community Medicine.


Besides 60 hours for introduction to Community Medicine including Humanities, rest of the time shall be somewhat equally divided between Anatomy and Physiology plus Biochemistry combined (Physiology 2/3 and Bio-Chemistry 1/3).  ( PSM 60 hrs.+ Anatomy 650 hrs. + Physiology / Biochemistry 720 hrs).


(b) PHASE – II (II MBBS) 1 ½ YEARS consisting of following para-clinical / clinical subjects –   

i) Pathology,

ii) Microbiology,

iii) Pharmacology,

iv) Forensic Medicine including Toxicology, and

v) Part of Community Medicine


During this phase, the teaching of para-clinical and clinical subjects are all those detailed under Phase III  below which shall be done concurrently. Out of the time for Para-clinical teaching, approximately equal time shall be allotted to Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine and Community Medicine combined (1/3 Forensic Medicine and 2/3 Community Medicine).


(c) PHASE – III (III MBBS Part – I & II ) TWO YEARS – Each Part one year of study  –

The clinical subjects to be taught during Phase III are  –


III MBBS – Part: I – 1 year :

i)  Community Medicine including Humanities.

ii) Forensic Medicine


III MBBS – Part: II – 1 year :

i) General Medicine and its allied specialities.

ii) Surgery and its allied specialities.

iii). Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and

iv) Paediatrics including Neonatology.

v) Ophthalmology

vi) Oto Rhino laryngology

vii)  Ophthalmology

viii) Oto – Rhino-Laryngology

  • Besides clinical posting, the rest of the teaching hours shall be divided between didactic lectures, demonstrations, seminars, group discussions etc. in various subjects.
  • The training in Medicine and its allied specialities will include General Medicine, Paediatrics, Tuberculosis and Chest, Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Psychiatry, Radio-Diagnosis, Infectious diseases etc.
  • The training in Surgery and its allied specialities will include General Surgery,  Orthopaedic Surgery including Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Anaesthesia including Emergency Medicine, Dentistry, Radio-therapy etc.
  • The Obstetrics and gynaecology training will include Family Medicine, Family Welfare Planning, etc.
  • No student shall be permitted to join the Phase II [para clinical/clinical] group of subjects until he/she has passed in all the Phase I [Pre-clinical] subjects.
  • After passing pre-clinical subjects 1 ½ year shall be devoted to para-clinical subjects. Phase II will be devoted to para-clinical and clinical subjects along with clinical postings.  During clinical phase [Phase III] pre-clinical and para-clinical teaching shall be integrated into the teaching of clinical subjects wherever relevant.


Medium Of Instruction: 

English shall be the medium of instruction for all the subjects of study and for examinations.


Working Days In An Academic Year:

Each academic year shall consist of not less than 240 teaching days of eight hours each college working time, including one hour of lunch.