DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

National SANCON 2023

  • 2023-10-19

On 19th October 2023 Department of General Medicine Participated in the NATIONAL SANCON 2023 as Faculty. There was a lecture by Dr. Ashok Kumar Head of Department of General Medicine Santosh Medical College. He gave a lecture on “Severe Dengue: An Overview” . In the lecture he introduced dengue fever and various forms of severe dengue such as Dengue Shock Syndrome and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. He outlined the various complications and the went to discuss the latest guideline regarding the management and especially management of major and minor bleedings and guidelines on platelet transfusion. The lecture was chaired by Dr. Anil Kumar and Dr. Neha Gupta as Chairperson. Another lecture on “CARAMEL DISEASE “was given by Dr. Shivani Bansal Professor Department of General Medicine Santosh Medical College. In lecture she highlighted the
various complications of diabetes including Cardiac, renal, metabolic , adipose and liver diseases. She highlighted the how diabetes is an all-encompassing disease and has the potential to cause end organ damage in almost every major organ. The lecture was chairpersoned by Dr. Tenzin Nyandak and Dr. Sarita Aggarwal. Both the lectures were very well received by the audience for being highly informative. The lectures were attended by over 100 including faculty members from various departments and postgraduate students and undergraduate students.
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