DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

National Health Skills Conclave

  • 2022-11-02

Internal Quality Assurance Cell Workshop on Soft Skill Development in Clinical Practice IQAC conducted a workshop on Soft Skills on November 2nd2022 for MBBS and BDS undergraduates. The workshop focused on “Soft SkillDevelopment in Clinical Practice.” The session was conducted by Dr Dakshina Bisht (Director, IQAC) and Dr Shivani Dadwal Salaria (Coordinator, IQAC). It focused on importance of leadership excellence, dynamic communication, team building and time management skills. A total of 42  students registered for the workshop.It was an interactive session that discussed the fewmost valued skills such as interpersonal skills, flexibility and adaptability, and strong work ethics. The participants were divide in groups of 10 and there were activities designed for them to understand the importance of communication skills, interpersonal skills, being a team player, time management abilities and problem solving.The workshop was an eye opener for students realizing that soft skills held an importance place in the everyday clinical practice and there could be many situations coming their way that could be dealt with by keeping in mind the various points that were discussed during the session.