Santosh Deemed to be university organized a National Health Skill Conclave on 2 November 2022, the department of pathology organized a hand on skill station on Blood grouping for the undergraduate students.
The purpose of the skills lab was to provide a safe environment for students to learn, practice and be observed performing skills in a simulated environment thus mitigating the risks involved in direct patient exposure without adequate preparation and supervision .Small group demonstration and skill performance allows close monitoring of students and an objective assessment of skill acquisition.
Skill-Knowledge about blood and blood grouping is considered essential not only for medical professionals but also for the technical staffs working in clinical laboratories and blood centres. Considering this aim, Dr Mayurika Tyagi , Associate Professor Pathology, explained the importance of blood grouping and enumerated the practical points to keep in mind. Dr Mayurika Tyagi, Associate Professor, Pathology took a lecture and the various methods of Blood Grouping were demonstrated by the faculty of Pathology Department .
The activity was conducted in small groups and 20 MBBS students, Post Graduates and medical lab technicians participated in this and thoroughly understood the concept of blood grouping by doing it personally using different methods .
Tangible Outcomes
Mentorship, Skilled presentation and discussion with a good deal of student participation and thought provocation made this activity effective.
● Name of Workshop: National Health skills conclave
● Venue: Santosh Medical College
● Date /Month/Year: 2 November 2022
● Organizing Unit /Collaborating agency: Department of Pathology
● Number of participants- Faculty/Students with proof: 30
● Expenditure incurred if any: None