The faculty of Santosh Deemed to be University (Ghaziabad) attended the “National Conference on Safe Obstetrics & Gynecology- SAFECON 2022” organized by Meerut Obstetrics & Gynecology Society, Meerut on 19.11.2022.The program was to update on various high risk pregnancy conditions like Placenta Accreta syndrome, PPH, Hemorrhages during pregnancy and DIC, and their management options available so as to improve the outcome in pregnant females.Event was executed by Meerut Obstetrics & Gynecology Society, Meerut with the theme of “Safe Obstetrics & Gyne-Enhance skills”. Dr Neelima Agarwal (Prof, OBGY) presented talk on ‘Placenta Accreta syndrome’ and Dr Alpana Agrawal (Prof, OBGY) on ‘DIC’. The sessions were highly appreciated by learned faculty present in the conference.The students were updated on various high risk factors during pregnancy and their management options available so as to improve the outcome in pregnant females.
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