The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is an autonomous body that provides accreditation to healthcare organizations in India based on predefined standards. NABH inspections typically assess various aspects of healthcare facilities, including patient safety, infrastructure, quality of care, infection control, and management systems. Inspections involve on-site visits, document reviews, and interviews with staff to ensure compliance with NABH standards.
Day 1 (10.2.24): The team arrived on Saturday morning, 10 February 2024 for assessment of the blood centre as part of a NABH evaluation. They were welcomed and greeted by Dr Alka (Dean Medical), Dr Alpana (Medical Superintendent), Dr Mayurika S. Tyagi, Head of the IHBT Department, Dr Amit Varma (Head of Blood Centre) with all the residents and staff of all blood centre. The assessors were experts in the field of transfusion medicine and healthcare accreditation who understand the technical aspects of blood collection, processing, storage, and transfusion.
After the opening meeting, the assessors proceeded to the facility round and audit.
Dr Preeti Chavan, the principal assessor audited the quality assurance program and management of the Blood Centre with Dr Mayurika Tyagi. She ensured that the blood bank met legal requirements and quality requirements as per the quality manual and NABH standards.
Dr Jaiswal, the technical assessor audited all the technical processes and procedures of the blood centre with Dr Amit Varma and focused on NABH requirements regarding documentation, procedures, and quality control measures.
Day 2 (11.2.24) Internal audit and management review meetings were discussed and audited. This was followed by report preparation and assessment of evaluation. Observations and non-conformities were discussed in the closing meeting. Santosh Hospital team thanked the assessors for their valuable feedback.
NABH accreditation and audit signifies the commitment of the IHBT department and Santosh Hospitals to quality healthcare delivery.