DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

Clinicopathological Conference

  • 2024-01-24

A Clinicopathological Conference (CPC) was held at Santosh hospital, Santosh Deemed to be University (Ghaziabad) on 24.1.2024 where the faculty and Postgraduate student students of all departments participated.

Objective of the program was to discuss interesting cases of different clinical departments and their pathological correlation at a common platform.

Event was moderated by Dr Neelima Agarwal (Professor, Department of OBGY) who gave the welcome address. It was followed by case presentation on A case of meningo-encephalitis” by Dr Nitish Sharma, Senior Resident, Department of Medicine and the session chaired by Dr Shivani Bansal, Professor.


Second case wasA rare case of acute appendicitis” by Department of Surgery.

Dr Ankit Dixit, Assistant Professor presented the case and Dr Shyam Nagpal, Associate Professor, chaired the session.

Dr. Maulika Aggarwal, Consultant from the Department of Pathology discussed the cases.

The session was highly interactive with all faculty and postgraduates actively participating in the discussion.

Active discussion between the respective departments and other diagnostic departments took place and more treatment options for better patient management were highlighted.