Santosh deemed to be University, Ghaziabad organized an awareness session on World TB Day on 24 March 2023. This year theme was ‘Yes! We can end TB’Objective of the session was to spread the message about symptoms, cure and prevention of Tuberculosis in the community.The event was organized in collaboration with CHC Muradnagar. It was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad.Event was executed at CHC Muradnagar.The post graduate students and interns in the department highlighted the importance of this event and burden of Tuberculosis in India. The interns posted in the department performed a roleplay, through which signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis, related myths and misconceptions, prevention, treatment, DOTS centre services and provisions by Government were explained to the general public.We also created awareness about Tuberculosis through posters and other printed material.Everyone present in the event took interest in the activity and were influenced the right way.More than 100 people were present in the venue and many staff members also attended the event.At the end, we all took pledge to end TB.
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