Santosh medical college is a renowned institution, duly recognized by various national and international institutions/bodies which determine the highest standards of medical education in India & abroad. This institution has been served by highly experienced, qualified professionals from various renowned institutions like AIIMS, KGMC, MAMC, etc. This college is about three decades old, situated in the center of NCR. This institution is well equipped with all the latest technologies involved in the teaching of subjects. Our students have occupied the highest positions in various hospitals in India & Abroad
Santosh University is running successfully various courses both at PG and UG levels, which includes MS anatomy, Ph.D. anatomy, Msc anatomy at PG level; whereas, at UG level, it includes MBBS, BDS, and Paramedicals (BPT, BOT, BMLT, BMM, BMRDIT, Bsc nursing, Gnm, OT technician )
Knowledge of anatomy is of immense concern, not only for undergraduates but also to postgraduate students, especially in surgery & medicine. We want to make Teaching anatomy mandatory as a preliminary to higher surgical training as well as senior medical students. Knowledge of the anatomical structure of the body is basic to understanding the musculoskeletal function and how both structure and function are modified by exercise or disease. This is true for professionals in physical therapy & allied clinical as well as Para clinical sciences.
Post-graduation in anatomy has wide global career opportunities, some which are as below-
A) Faculty in Various Medical, Dental, and Paramedical colleges.
B) An Anatomist has tremendous scope in radiology, CT scan & MRI centers by virtue of his/her knowledge of the subject.
C) The knowledge of embryology offers enough Global opportunities in the field of infertility & IVF clinics.
D) Knowledge of genetics gives an Anatomist in genetic labs that are upcoming fast in this field of medicine for diagnosis & treatment.
E) An anatomist by virtue of his knowledge about the whole human body (both gross & microscopic) can have a place in the field of Medical jurisprudence and criminology.
F) By virtue of anatomical knowledge, an anatomist is the right person to be employed in the science of physical anthropology to solve medico-legal problems for the identification of individuals of different races and areas.
Even during the global pandemic of corona virus (Covid-19), when the world is suffering from disease & death, we have not left our students isolated from us, but very successfully interacted with them when they are in the comfort of their home and parents. Since the subject ANATOMY is the mother of all medical specialties & of utmost importance, we decided to find immediate alternate sources of teaching this highly important basic subject of life to our students.