Medical care is one of the most advancing field and have become a vital part of our life forming a bridge between life and death. There are many types of wastes produced from the hospitals. The report from World Health Organization states that 85% of hospital wastes are non-hazardous, whereas 10% are infectious and 5% are non-infectious but they are included in hazardous wastes.
What are the problems with hospital waste Management???? Lack of segregation practices leading to disposing of waste in a haphazard, improper, indiscriminate mannerand mixing of hospital wastes with general waste making the whole waste stream – hazardous
Why there is a need to segregate waste????Injuries from sharp needles, risks with hazardous chemicals, drugs and disposables which needed to be disposed and recycled might be repacked and sold off, risks to environment i.e., air, soil and water pollution
What are the steps followed in waste management???Wastes from the hospitals should be first discarded into correct recycle bins such asyellow, red, white, andblue bins. Then it should be collected, transported, stored in a place until it is treated and finally disposed off in a place which is not hazardous to human and environment. All the health care professionals should be trained how to discard the waste based upon its type.
What about waste management during COVID 19???? Waste materials like Cardboard, Plastics and Steel could act as the carriers of COVID 19 virus and could last on them for 72 hours. The Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, Government of India on March 18, 2020 created a set of regulations to be followed during COVID 19 pandemic. The guidelines suggests that those handling such wastes need to be provided with adequate training and PPE, including three-layered masks, splash-proof aprons, gloves, gumboots and safety goggles
Let’s hold hands together, let’s take initiative in protecting ourself and our mother earth from these Hazardous waste!!!!!!!
Let’s Unite Hands To Make The World A Better Place To Live On For Ourself And For Our Future Generations!!!!!!!
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